Derrick Hayah

Kokopelli Mana

11" H with 2 1/4" base

Derrick Hayah is from First Mesa, the village of Walpi, and is of the Rabbit and Tobacco clans. He has been carving for nearly 16 years and learned from his uncles, including Gary Hayah. He is also the older brother of Godfrey Hayah.

His work is some of the fastest selling artwork we feature. They are great figures with real value at very reasonable prices. Be sure to take a look at the rest of Derrick's work in the gallery area.

One of the few female racers, this mana portrays the erotic female counterpart of Kokopelli, the Humpbacked Flute Player. She will induce someone to run against "her" and then hoist her skirts and overtake him.

She flings him to the ground and immitates copulation with him to the unbridled amusement of the audience and the complete discomfiture of the loser.

- Barton Wright, Kachinas: a Hopi Artist's Documentary (231)

Derrick has done a nice, clean job with this figure, as he does with all of his increasingly popular work. The details in the hair knot and gown is one of his signature strengths.

Her accessories and cape have all been carved with a sense of realism. These are the carvers we're focused on most - the ones which help bring the figure to life - almost as if the onlooker is their in the plaza with them.

Derrick is truly one of these. As one of the younger generation of carvers, he has quickly and skillfully responded to the demand that more and more serious collectors are placing upon the art.

His work has strong visual appeal, as he is not afraid to use bold, bright colors, and his bases always have something extra.

Gallery Price: $625.00


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